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Institutional Folder (5 languages)

Performing its social role, the Fundação de Rotarianos ࢧࣥࣃ࣭࣮࢘ࣟࣟࢱ࣮ࣜ㈈ᅋࡣࠊࡑࡢ♫఍ⓗᙺ๭ de São Paulo supports, for more than 60 years, the Centro ࢆᯝࡓࡍࡓࡵࠊ60ᖺ௨ୖࠊCentro Profissionalizante Profissionalizante Rio Branco, which offers professional Rio Branco ࢆ㐠Ⴀࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢᑓ㛛Ꮫᰯࡣࠊ qualification, free of charge, to youngsters from the ࢔࢝ࢹ࣑ࢵࢡ࡞༟㉺ᛶࠊࢧ࣮ࣅࢫᥦ౪࠾ࡼࡧ♫఍ public school system, with academic excellence, quality in ⓗ⣙᮰ࡢࢡ࢜ࣜࢸ࢕࡜࡜ࡶ࡟↓ᩱ࡛බ❧Ꮫᰯࡢ⏕ rendering services and social commitment, conquering ᚐ࡟⫋ᴗカ⦎ࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢࡓࡵࠊᕷሙ credibility in the marketplace and becoming reference ࡛ࡢಙ㢗ᛶࢆ⋓ᚓࡋࠊάືศ㔝࡛ࡢࣔࢹࣝ࡜࡞ࡗ in the area of activities. ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ It qualifies youngsters for the labor market, offering ୍␒┠ࡢ⫋ࡢᶵ఍ࢆᥦ౪ࡋࠊࡑࡢ౯್ࠊ౑࿨࠾ࡼ the first job opportunity, developing a generation ࡧࣅࢪࣙࣥ࡟ࡋࡓࡀ࠸ࠊཧຍⓗࠊ⏕⏘ⓗ࡞ᙧ࡛ of new professionals who present participative and ⤌⧊࡟࠾࠸࡚άືࡍࡿ᪂ࡓ࡞⫋ᴗேࡢ⫱ᡂࢆ⾜ productive action in the organizations pursuant to ࠸ࠊປാᕷሙྥࡅ࡟ⱝ⪅ࡢ⬟ຊྥୖࢆ⾜࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉ its values, mission and vision. It further serves the ࡽ࡟ࠊᢏ⾡ⓗ࡟⬟ຊࡀ㧗ࡃࠊ㈐௵ឤࡀ࠶ࡾࠊάື demands of the organizations by forming technically ⓗ࡛ࠊಖドࡉࢀࡓ⫋ᴗேࡢ⫱ᡂࡢࡓࡵࡢ⤌⧊ࡢせ qualified professionals, responsible, dynamic and ồ࡟ᛂ࠼ࡲࡍࠋ committed as well. ࣭ࣜ࢜ࣈࣛࣥࢥᑓ㛛Ꮫᰯࡢάືࡣࠊࡍ࡭࡚ࡢⱝ⪅ The work from the Centro Profissionalizante Rio Branco ࡀ᭷฼࡞⎔ቃ࡛ඹᏑࡍࡿ᫬ࠊⰼ㛤ࡁࠊ㛤Ⓨࡉࢀࡿ is based on the conception that every youngster bears a ఱࡽ࠿ࡢᡯ⬟ࡢᣢࡕ୺࡛࠶ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ᴫᛕ࡟ᇶ࡙࠸ talent, which blossoms and develops itself when the person ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢ≉ᚩࡣࠊⱝ⪅୍ே୍ேࡢ࣏ࢸࣥࢩ 25 coexists within a favorable environment. Its unique feature ࣕࣝࡢಁ㐍ࡸ௜ຍ౯್໬࡟ࡼࡿពḧࡢᙉ໬ࢆᅗ special professional qualification program which includes Ⓨࡢ≉ᚩ࠶ࡿࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ FUNDAÇÃO DE ROTARIANOS DE SÃO PAULOࡾࠊⱝ⪅ࢆཧຍࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢸ࢕ࡢᨵ㠉⪅࡟ኚ࠼ࡿࡓࡵࡢ⾜ື⬟ຊࡢ㛤Ⓨ࡟࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ࣭ࣜ࢜ࣈࣛࣥࢥᑓ㛛Ꮫᰯࡣࠊ⏕άࠊᴫᛕࠊ஦ົࠊᑐᛂࠊ᝟ሗฎ⌮࠾ࡼࡧ࣏ࣝࢺ࢞ࣝㄒ࡜ᩘᏛࡢ▱㆑ᙉ໬࡟ྥࡅࡓ⬟ຊ㛤Ⓨࡢࡓࡵࡢᤵᴗࢆ⾜࠺ᑓ㛛ⓗ⬟ຊ㛤rming is the development of behavioral competences which, with incentive and valuing of each youngster’s potential, promotes strengthening of the self-esteem, making him a transfo agent in his community. The Centro Profissionalizante Rio Branco offers a classes for development of skills for life, administrative 6࢝᭶ࡢ⫋ᴗカ⦎ᚋࠊⱝ⪅ࡣᥦᦠ௻ᴗ࡛◊ಟࢆ⾜࠸ and services notions, computing and backup for Portuguese ࡲࡍࠋࡇࢀࡽࡢⱝ⪅ࡣࠊ௻ᴗ࡛ࡢ◊ಟࡢ㛫ࠊ୍㐌 and Mathematics knowledge. 㛫࡟୍ᗘࠊ⤌⧊࡛⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ௙஦࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ≉ᐃ After six months of training, the youngsters start to develop ࡢෆᐜࢆ౪⤥ࡍࡿάື࡟ཧຍࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊ࣭ࣜ࢜ࣈ practical activities in partner companies. Once a week ࣛࣥࢥᑓ㛛Ꮫᰯ࡟ᡠࡾࡲࡍࠋ those youngsters return to the Centro Profissionalizante ࡇࡢࡼ࠺࡟࣭ࣜ࢜ࣈࣛࣥࢥᑓ㛛Ꮫᰯࡣࠊ㞠⏝࡟↔Ⅼ Rio Branco, during the period of on-the-job training with ࢆᙜ࡚ࡓ㉁ࡢ㧗࠸ᩍ⫱࡜࡜ࡶ࡟♫఍ⓗཧຍࢆಁ㐍 the companies, to take part on activities that provide ࡋࠊࡍ࡭࡚ࡢ⠊ᅖ࡟࠾࠸࡚ᕷẸᶒࢆᙉ໬ࡋࠊ♫఍࡟ specific content on the work they are performing in ࠾ࡅࡿⱝ⪅ࡢᙺ๭࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢព㆑ࢆᗈࡆࡲࡍࠋ the organizations. Hence, the Centro Profissionalizante Rio Branco fosters social inclusion, with quality education focused on employability, strengthening citizenship in every sphere and enlarging awareness of the youngster’s role in society.

Institutional Folder (5 languages)
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