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Institutional Folder (5 languages)

Mission ౑࿨ “To serve with excellence through ࠕᩍ⫱ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊ㐨ᚨほࠊ㐃ᖏឤࢆᣢ education, forming ethical, solidary ࡗࡓࠊ⬟ຊࡀ㧗࠸ᕷẸࢆ⫱ᡂࡍࡿࡓࡵ and competent citizens”. ࡟ᙺ❧ࡘࡇ࡜ࠖࠋ Vision ࣅࢪࣙࣥ “To be a national and international ࠕᩍ⫱ศ㔝࡛ࡢᅜෆእࡢࣔࢹࣝ࡜࡞ࡿ reference in Education”. ࡇ࡜ࠖࠋ Values ౯್ほ Ethics - Observe the highest ethical principles 㐨ᚨ - 㧗࠸ࣞ࣋ࣝࡢ೔⌮ⓗ࡞ཎ๎࡜ࣃࢱ࣮ࣥ࡟ࡋ and standards showing moral solidity, honesty ࡓࡀ࠸ࠊ೔⌮ⓗ࡞ᙉᅛࡉࠊṇ┤ࡉࠊබ᫂ṇ኱ࡉࡢ and integrity. ᶍ⠊ࢆ♧ࡋࡲࡍࠋ Social Responsibility – Exercise citizenship ♫఍ⓗ㈐௵ - ᩍ⫱ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊ♫఍ࡢⓎᒎࡸ⎔ቃࡢ by contributing through Education with the ᑛ㔜ࡢࡓࡵ࡟㈉⊩ࡍࡿᕷẸᶒࢆ⾜౑ࡋࡲࡍࠋ 5 development of Society and respect towards ே㛫 - ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉάືࢆ㔜どࡋࠊዊ௙ࠊⓎᒎࠊᑛ environment. Management - Value and follow the principles FUNDAÇÃO DE ROTARIANOS DE SÃO PAULO㏱᫂ᛶࠊබᖹᛶࠊỴ⟬ሗ࿌ࠊᅋయ࡜ࡋ࡚ࡢ⤌⧊ࡢᣢ⥆ᛶࢆᅗࡾࠊ㉁࡜ᡂᯝࢆ୰ᚰ࡟ࡋ - -㔜ࠊ༠ຊ࠾ࡼࡧពḧࡢ࠶ࡿ⎔ቃࢆಁ㐍ࡋࠊࡍ࡭࡚ࡢே࡟ᑐࡋ࡚බṇ࡞ᢅ࠸ࢆࡋࡲࡍࠋ⟶⌮♫఍ⓗ㈐௵ࡢཎ๎ࢆ㔜どࡋࠊࡑࢀ࡟ᚑ࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㉁࡚ࠊィ⏬ࡉࢀࠊ⤫ྜࡉࢀࡓᙧ࡛㠉᪂࡜๰㐀ࢆಁ㐍ࡋࡲࡍࠋ㈈ᅋࡀ⥔ᣢࡍࡿᶵ㛵 - Provide fair treatment to everyone, Human Being valuing teamwork, stimulating an environment for learning, development, respect, collaboration, and self-esteem. of Transparency, Fairness, Accountability, and Corporate Responsibility. Quality - Stimulate innovation and creativity in a planned and integrated manner, focusing on quality and results, providing the company’s perennially. ࣭ࣜ࢜ࣈࣛࣥࢥ⥲ྜ኱Ꮫ ࣭ࣜ࢜ࣈࣛࣥࢥᰯ Maintained Entities ࣭ࣜ࢜ࣈࣛࣥࢥ⫏။Ꮫᰯ • Rio Branco College ࣭ࣜ࢜ࣈࣛࣥࢥᑓ㛛Ꮫᰯ • Rio Branco School ࣭ࣜ࢜ࣈࣛࣥࢥ㐲㝸ᩍ⫱ • Rio Branco Educational Center for the Deaf • Rio Branco Professional Center • Rio Branco Distance Learning

Institutional Folder (5 languages)
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