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Institutional Folder (5 languages)

Education ᩍ⫱ Main instrument to build a more human and peaceful ࡼࡾே㛫ⓗ࡛ᖹ࿴࡞♫఍ᙧᡂࡢࡓࡵࡢ୺せ࡞ࢶ࣮ society. This was the dream that inspired a group of 20 ࣝࠋࡇࢀࡀࠊFundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo ࢱࣜ members from Rotary Club de São Paulo and originated ࣮ࢡࣛࣈࡢ20ேࡢ఍ဨࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࡀ⪃࠼ࡓክ࡛ࠊ௒ the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo, which until ᪥ࡲ࡛ᩍ⫱ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊே㢮ࡢ▱ⓗ࡛೔⌮ⓗ࡞Ⓨᒎ today nourishes the same dream of serving, through ࡟㈉⊩ࡋࠊᕷẸᶒࢆ⾜౑ࡋࠊ♫఍ⓗ㈐௵ࢆᐇ⾜ࡍ education, contributing for the intellectual and moral ࡿࡓࡵ࡟ዊ௙ࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺ྠࡌክࢆ⥔ᣢࡍࡿࢧࣥࣃ development of the human being, promoting citizenship ࣭࣮࢘ࣟࣟࢱ࣮ࣜ㈈ᅋタ❧ࡢ➃⥴࡛ࡋࡓࠋ and exercising social responsibility. 1946ᖺ࡟タ❧ࡉࢀࡓࢧࣥࣃ࣭࣮࢘ࣟࣟࢱ࣮ࣜ㈈ᅋ Founded in 1946, the Fundação de Rotarianos de São ࡣࠊᆅᇦ♫఍࡟ᙺ❧ࡘᩍ⫱ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࢆᐇ᪋ࡍࡿ Paulo is a philanthropic entity that develops educational ឿၿᅋయ࡛ࡍࠋࣈࣛࢪࣝࡢᩍ⫱ྥୖࡢࡓࡵ࡟ດຊ programs for the benefit of the community. ࡜┠ⓗࢆ㞟୰ࡋࡓࠊ⤒῭ⓗ࡟⮬❧ࡋࡓᶵ㛵࡛࠶ࡿ ࡜࠸࠺≉ᚩࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ It is characterized as being an economically self-sustainable institution which has driven its efforts and goals towards ࢧࣥࣃ࣭࣮࢘ࣟࣟࢱ࣮ࣜ㈈ᅋࡣࠊ▱㆑ࠊࣜࢯ࣮ࢫ improving Brazilian society’s education. ࠾ࡼࡧ⌧௦ⓗ࡞ࢶ࣮ࣝࡢ㎿㏿࡞ᑟධࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊ༟ ㉺ࡋࡓᩍ⫱ཎ๎ࢆᛅᐇ࡟⥔ᣢࡋࠊ⥅⥆ⓗ࡟ࡑࡢά The Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo keeps its loyalty to the principles of educational excellence and 9ືࢆྥୖࡍࡿࡓࡵ࡟ດຊࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ dedicates all efforts to continuously enhance its activities ࢧࣥࣃ࣭࣮࢘ࣟࣟࢱ࣮ࣜ㈈ᅋࡢᐇ㊶ࡢ1ࡘࡣࠊᩍ⫱ from countries which are prominent for their actions in the FUNDAÇÃO DE ROTARIANOS DE SÃO PAULOศ㔝࡛ࡢάື࡟༟㉺ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿᅜࡢᩍ⫱ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢆ▱ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ๓ᥦ࡜ࡋ࡚࠶ࡿࠊᅜ㝿ⓗ࣋ࣥࢳ࣐࣮࢟ࣥࢢ࡛ࡍࠋࡑࡢࡓࡵࡢ◊✲࡜ㄪᰝࢆ┠ⓗ࡜ࡍࡿ௒ᅇࡢ᪑⾜ࡣࠊᩍ⫱ࡢ㉁࡜Ỉ‽ࡢ㧗ࡉࢆồࡵ࡚ࠊୡ⏺ࡢᩍ⫱⪅࡜⤒㦂ࡸពぢࡢ஺᥮ࢆࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢࡍࡤࡽࡋ࠸ᶵ఍࡛ࡍࠋ by prompt incorporation of knowledge, resources and modern tools. One of the main practices in the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo is the International Benchmarking, which has the premise of getting to know the educational systems educational area. Those trips, with study and research ௒᪥ࠊᙜ㈈ᅋࡀ⥔ᣢࡍࡿᶵ㛵ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊ⫱ᡂ࡜Ⓨ purposes, present excellent opportunities to exchange ᒎࡢࡉࡲࡊࡲ࡞せồ࡟ྥࡅࡽࢀࡓ≉ᐃࡢάືࢆ⾜ experiences and information among educators throughout ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ the world, searching for quality and excellence. ᩍ⫱ⓗ஦ᴗࢆ⥔ᣢࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡣࠊ60ᖺ௨ୖ࡟ࢃࡓ Today, by means of its maintained entities, the Foundation ࡾάື࡛ᥦ᱌ࡉࢀࡓ┠ⓗ࡟฿㐩ࡍࡿࡓࡵ࡟ດຊࢆ develops specific works aimed to meet several demands ᝰࡋࢇࡔࡇ࡜ࡀ࡞࠸ࢧࣥࣃ࣭࣮࢘ࣟࣟࢱ࣮ࣜ㈈ᅋ regarding education formation and development. ࡟௜୚ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿᚲせ᮲௳࡛࠶ࡾࠊ௻ᴗᐙ ⢭⚄ࠊ⊩㌟ࠊពḧ࠾ࡼࡧ⚾ḧࡢᨺᲠࢆせࡍࡿㄢ㢟 Keeping an educational work is a task that requires ࡛ࡍࠋ entrepreneur spirit, dedication, willingness and abnegation, features that can certainly be attributed to the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo which, in more than six decades of work, has always dedicated best efforts to accomplish its targets.

Institutional Folder (5 languages)
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