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Newsletter of the Presidency nº99

Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo (São Paulo Rotarians Foundation) Tatiana Martinez Canada and the Altimar Augusto Fernandes, Eduardo de Barros Pimentel, Celia Giay United States and Edman Altheman Ade Rotarianos de São Paulo participated Rotary InternationalVisit of Celia Giay – director electedFundaçãos a management practice that values theinternational benchmarking, the São Paulo), with support from Fenep (National TPaulo received a visit from Celia de Barros Pimentel, president of the Visitors were greeted by EduardoFundação de Rotarianos de SãoheStudy Trip sponsored by the Sieeespthin the 14 (Union of Educational Institutions in the State of Federation of Private Schools). The Foundation Elena Cruz Giay, Director of Rotary Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo, was represented by the Assistant Director of the International for the 2013/2015 period, who stressed the Rotary ideal of service Granja Vianna Unit of Colégio Rio Branco, Tatiana accompanied by PDG Altimar Augusto to society, present in the design and Martinez, and by the Marketing Manager of Fernandes, of the Rotary Club São Paulo implementation of the educational work the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo, Célia – Anchieta, District 4420. The Director of the Foundation. Afterwards, they were Dugaich, in a trip to Canada and the United States. of RI is a teacher and member of the led by Edman Altheman, Faculdades Tatiana Martinez and Célia Dugaich were part Rotary Club de Arrecifes, Buenos Aires, Integradas Rio Branco General Director, of a group of 85 people, composed of Directors District 4820, where she held several though the various departments of the and maintainers of schools across the country, positions, including as President. She is institution, they met the methodology visiting 13 schools in the region of British the wife of Luis Vicente Giay, President and talked about the differences and Columbia (Vancouver and Victoria), Canada, of Rotary International (1996/1997). qualification of the faculty. and 15 schools in the San Francisco region (San Francisco, Sacramento and Silicon Valley), United States. In several visits, the group was able to meet the management, teaching, learning and G8/G20 Youth Summit assessment system in force both in public and and information with educators, managers and Fstudents of International Relations international organizations, young peoplediscussions that simulated meetings ofor the second consecutive year, private schools, in a rich exchange of experiences local authorities. Program of the Faculdades were encouraged to take a stand for issues Integradas Rio Branco represented the of global concern, in its capacity as future country as part of the Brazilian delegation professionals and leaders in their countries. that attended the annual meeting of G8/ The official Brazilian delegation, G20 Youth Summit, held at Georgetown composed of six students, three of the University, Washington, DC, United States. Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco, was Organized by Youth For International selected at an unprecedented event, Dialogue, the meeting brought together organized in Brazil by the NGO Global students from around the world in Attitude along with the College. In 2011, political issues addressed in the recent the first Brazilian delegation was formed Célia Dugaich official negotiations of the summit of entirely by students of the Faculdades the G8 and G20. Through rounds of Integradas Rio Branco. Students of International Relations Program of the College represented Brazil at the event 4

Newsletter of the Presidency nº99
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