Capital Market after the 2008 crisis Paying tribute to the Economist Day, Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco (FRB) received lawyer, economist and teacher Keyla Carvalho Rocha, who delivered a lecture on the capital market after the 2008 crisis. The speaker addressed the fundamental reasons for the crisis and its antecedents, the climate of instability that reached all countries, and compared its effects in Brazil and in the United States; she also emphasized, to the students of Economics, the importance of acquiring expertise in fields that are complementary to the economic and financial activity, thus adding quality to the analysis and decision-making processes. Keyler Carvalho OUR STUDENTS, OUR TALENTS Global Business Opportunities four of them students of the International Relations course at the Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco: Bianca Gentil The Global Business Opportunities project, an initiative of Fragoso, Leandro Cesar Torricelli, Natalia Wakim and Al Ahli Holding Group, Dubai, in partnership with Quantum Nathia Miranda Rodrigues. Group in Brazil, brought together 10 students from Brazil, The project, in its fi rst edition in Brazil, consists of taking young people to the United Arab Emirates in order to make up work teams with young entrepreneurs from various countries, aiming to create businesses. During a three-week period, the participants - youths from Dubai, Brazil and Zambia, attended classes, lectures and workshops, preparing themselves to design a business plan. The student Bianca Gentil Fragoso won the prize of twenty thousand dollars for her business plan for the project “Olé Football Center” - focused on the commercial exploitation of football, based on the Brazilian experience - to be presented in International Relations students that have won the Global Business Opportunities Dubai in April 2011. Texto Vivo Website Students Eten Barbosa and Anna Carolina Neto, 2009 graduates, had their texts selected by Texto Vivo website, an electronic magazine with real-life narratives, a publication of the NGO Brazilian Academy of Literary Journalism (ABJL). The texts “O casamento de Catarina” (Catarina’s wedding) and “Débora no farol” (Débora at the traffi c light), which opened the June issue, were produced for the discipline Edition 3, under the supervision of teacher Renata Carraro. 40 Annual Report 2010
Annual Report 2010
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