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Anual Report 2011

Annual Report 2011 PLANNING Shared Strategic Plan The meeting to discuss the Shared Strategic Plan of the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo brought together directors, managers and employees of all entities maintained by the Foundation. At the opening of the meeting, President Eduardo de Barros Pimentel welcomed those present and highlighted the profound meaning of the collaboration of everyone in order to determine the future directions of the Foundation, and stressed the importance of seeking innovation permanently. The president praised the attitude of looking ahead to the Eduardo de Barros Pimentel at the meeting opening future, while enhancing the good achievements of the past. Next, José Ricardo da Silveira, a member of the Board of issue, that affects the daily lives of everyone’s job, especially Directors of the Foundation, gave a lecture on the strategic in an education institution geared towards learning. The planning process. In his speech, he recalled the 10 years of superintendent Marco Rossi highlighted the increase in the establishment of this resource in the Foundation, which number of participants in this process each year, indicating helps in establishing the organization’s objectives; he also the effort and commitment towards the achievement of the highlighted the importance of wanting to learn more about this objectives of the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo. VIII Vision and Mission Meeting The VIII Vision and Mission Meeting gathered directors, Reflections after the presentations of the managers, with the counselors and managers of the Fundação de Rotarianos de São purpose of promoting the integration of all entities in order to Paulo, with the objective of sharing projects involving all entities express, in their activities, the principles and values ruling the maintained by the Foundation. At the opening of the event, President Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo. The meeting fulfilled its Eduardo de Barros Pimentel celebrated it as a rich opportunity for mission to demonstrate to the board of directors and advisors exchanging information, evaluating actions of the previous year the deeper meaning of plans and actions aimed at constant and, above all, creating the future, i.e., innovating and developing improvement of methods and procedures upon the practice of strategies to meet the challenges of a world in constant evolution. excellence in education. Directors, counselors and managers at the VIII Vision and Mission Meeting VISITS Councilman Paulo Frange The president of the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo, Eduardo de Barros Pimentel, was honored with the visit of the councilman Paulo Frange, who was hosted by the rotarians Waldis Dellamanha, Gunter Pollack, Weingrill Nelson, Willy Gross, José Antonio Figueiredo Antiório, Altamiro Ribeiro Dias, Sérgio Castro, Nadir Zacarias and Renato Figueiredo. In the company of Eduardo de Barros Pimentel with the councilman Paulo Frange and Rotarians Rotarians, the councilman took his greeting to the president. RCSP Sumaré, District 4610, coordinated by Sergio Castro, with Paulo Frange gave a lecture on World Peace, at the Waldis support from the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo. The Dellamanha Interclub Meeting held on February 24th at the festive meeting was attended by Rotarians from District 4610 and Rotary Building, during a dinner traditionally organized by the President Eduardo de Barros Pimentel. 16

Anual Report 2011
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