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Livro Comemorativo dos 70 anos da Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo - Uma história de ideias e ideais

150 Visual identity: an evolutionary process Over the years, the brand names used by Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo and its maintained institutions were changed several times owing to both the evolution of the concept of visual identity and the growing recognition of its importance, as well as changes experienced by the world and the Fundação. Because they were created in different ways and different periods, the maintained entities initially used brand names that were not part of a structured and integrated process. They each had their own characteristics and visual language, without “talking to each other”. As part of the administrative modernization process rolled out at the Fundação in the late 1990s, the need for attention to that theme gained traction. It was on that account that the decision was made to hire a renowned specialist to develop an identity meant to unite all brands under one umbrella and highlight what they shared in common. The firm Seragini Design Farné Guardado was charged with that branding project, which extended until early 2016. On the occasion, it was determined that Rio Branco, as the best-known brand, would serve as an anchor for the Fundação and its maintained entities, which resulted in a very positive solution. As time passed, a need was detected for updating the brand as part of an innovative branding project. Accordingly, a broad diagnosis was prepared by the firm LidBrand + Experience, involving surveys and interviews with various stakeholders. A new identity emerged from that project in which the choice of colors, fonts and other visual elements observes aesthetical criteria, but is primarily based on the business vision that the brand is intended to convey, which also reflects in the various aspects of the strategic platform for that brand. 2016 onwards The projected future In 2003, at the Multi-District Forum on Conflict Resolution, Disarmament and Peace, in Buenos Aires, Eduardo Pimentel, who then presided over the Board of Directors of Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo, delivered a speech describing the challenges presenting themselves for the future. He said, “Building peace, freedom and social justice has become a key task of education. This new world is not demanding only knowledge. After all, knowledge has become something fleeting given the speed at which technology and science are developing. What’s demanded is the existence of the being, as a citizen and professional.” More than a decade later, his words remain up to date. Having been devoted and strictly loyal to the principles of educational excellence for 70 years, the Fundação is certainly in a privileged position to meet the demands imposed by the evolution of society, technology, knowledge, communication, environmental awareness and so many other things, including some which have yet to manifest themselves and can barely be noticed today. A solid groundwork has already been laid for handling that complex task, including, amongst other factors, the strength of its values, an ongoing renewal process, attention to changes experienced by the world, a permanent search for best practices, and a sustained innovative spirit. Adding to that groundwork is the certainty that, in this journey, continuing to seek improvements is of the essence. “In education, you must always be concerned with the future. Our past is a point of reference, but it must not tie us up with any elbow room. The focus must always be on peering into the future and preparing the young for the world they’re going to live in,” Eduardo Pimentel teaches, stressing that no one is the proprietor of knowledge and that knowledge should not be viewed as something static: “You need to keep an open mind in order to avail yourself of the knowledge, ideas and propositions of others.”

Livro Comemorativo dos 70 anos da Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo - Uma história de ideias e ideais
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