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Annual Report 2010

F U N D A Ç Ã O D E R O T A R I A N O S D E S Ã O P A U L O them their knowledge and skills as volunteers. In the fi eld of children and youth education, the Colégio Rio Branco (Rio Branco School) has given us many demonstrations of students’ abilities in the sphere of knowledge itself, in the use of information and communication technology, arts, sports, and in shaping opinions in the face of the issues posed by the present time. Throughout its history, the school has remained faithful to its ideal of fully educating, which means training students to effi ciently respond to the challenges of learning to research, read and interpret texts, reasoning in complex ways, and working as a team, as well as encouraging them to incorporate the values of ethics and citizenship, factors that form a solid basis for the full development of their personality. The constant search for enhancing methods and procedures has been showing, throughout time, the value of continuous education for teachers and of the joining of strengths for a same educational ideal. Fully corresponding to the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo‘s aspirations of serving the cause of the deaf, the Escola para Crianças Surdas Rio Branco (Rio Branco School for Deaf Children) has been perfecting its activities and broadening the scope of its actions so as to socialize the knowledge it possesses on the universe of the deaf. In 2010, many initiatives received the support of the staff for the accomplishment of this mission. The presence in government forums focused on refl ecting upon the education of the deaf, the dedication to projects by entities and authors of books that aim to communicate with this audience, as well as the support to the teaching of the Brazilian Sign Language to the collaborators of the entities maintained by the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo compose a set of facts that convey the commitment to and belief in the importance and possibility of living together with those whose only difference from most people is the condition of having a hearing impairment. Still in the fi eld of social responsibility, the work carried out by the Centro Profi ssionalizante Rio Branco (Rio Branco Professional Center), Cepro, has received the Parceiros da Aprendizagem (Partner of Learning) seal from Brazil’s Labor and Employment Ministry. Such seal certifi es the quality of the education provided to deaf and physically disabled youths searching for their fi rst job, aligning technical and practical knowledge with permanent contact with the employment world by means of visits to companies and lectures by professionals. In addition to the activities focused on forming this apprentice workforce, Cepro has also been prominent for its intense activity in government forums discussing issues concerning vocational education and the enforcement of Lei do Aprendiz (the Apprentice Act). We have essentially discussed the ideals which have guided our accomplishments in 2010, dreams for the future that have come true. All of the events which will now be seen in further detail could only become a reality due to the dedicated and meaningful every-day work of a zealous team committed to the compliance with the duties, and completely devoted to accomplishing its major educational mission. I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the directors, counselors, managers, educators, and collaborators of all entities maintained by the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo. To the families, which confer the noble mission of sharing the education of their children on us, our word of faith and enthusiasm as we face a future we have been building together. EDUARDO DE BARROS PIMENTEL President Annual Report 2010 7

Annual Report 2010
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