Annual Report 2014 109 FOLKLORE DAY The folklore celebration follows the strategy of working dates in a significantly way promoting the children interaction. To celebrate the Folklore Day, students made several presentations. Children from Pre School have studied to learn about some folklore characters. Each class of Elementary School prepared a different activity: the 2nd grade studied nursery rhymes and adapted the activity for the deaf culture; 3rd grade discovered the Brazil’s regional folkloric characters, as “saci-pererê” and “boi tatá”; the 4th grade read a traditional popular tale presenting it as a theater play; and the 5th grade brought back the traditional legends, wrote a text and recorded a video. In the end, everyone took part in the activities at the school court. VALUE THE BRAZILIAN SIGN LANGUAGE LIBRAS WORKSHOP Participants have learned the Brazilian sign language in a practical way and adapted to the needs of each age group. In a pioneering initiative, the Centro de Educação para Surdos Rio Branco and Colégio Rio Branco, aligned with the mission of the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo to include deaf in society, have provided extracurricular courses in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) for all ages and educational segments of the school. With a methodology and didactic focused on the students’ experiences and age range, the course that lasted one semester has enabled students to acquire knowledge about Libras and the deafness world, and learn a basic vocabulary of Libras in order to start a communication with a deaf person. Activity prepared by students during the Folklore Day Libras workshop
Annual Report 2014
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