Tribute to the Founders

Anual Report 2013

TRIBUTE TO THE FOUNDERS Determination, will, solidarity and the ideal of service motivated the 20 Rotarian founders from the Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo to create what is considered, nowadays, the biggest Rotarian work in the educational area. To them we pay our sincere tribute, with the certainty that they are examples to be followed, as people and professionals that transformed our society. Abílio Brenha de Fontoura Adriano Seabra Fonseca Álvaro Machado José Ermírio de Moraes Antônio Augusto Macedo Kristian Orbeg Antônio Bardella Luiz Ferreira Pires Antônio de Souza Noschese Luiz Lawrie Reid Domingos Mormanno Marcos Gasparian Eurico Branco Ribeiro Niso Vianna Francisco Klinger Oscar Müller Caravellas Francisco Silva Villela Paulo Reis de Magalhães Pedro Monteiro Pereira Queiroz Rodolfo Ortenblad 106 2013 Annual Report

Anual Report 2013
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