XIV PEDAGOGY WEEK Reflecting about the importance of pedagogy professional nowadays, the XIV Pedagogic Week approached the subject “The Knowledge on Practice”. Fabiana Malandrino The Pedagogy Course The physical educator and coordinator, Fabiana Malandrino, psychomotrician Ana Mello highlighted the importance to approached the subject bring the professional reality “Psychomotrocity: from walking within the academy. to writing”. On the lecture “I have a The orthoptist and advisor of deaf student, what about Inclusion Support Service of Blind Eliana Cunha now?”, the director of “Science People The Fundação Dorina Libras Project” of the USP Nowill, Eliana Cunha, explained Communication and Humanities the necessary adaptations and workshops taught, respectively, School, and coordinator of Libras tools that aim to include and by Roseli Carreiro Zanlorenzi de course on the Federal University develop the learning of blind and Araújo, educator that uses the of Pará, Rafael Dias Silva incited low vision people. ludic as enabler of learning, and the participants to think creatively The “Human Values on by Carla Marquart, pedagogue, in solutions for challenges that Child Education through ludic psychopedagogist and art therapist, appear in human and exact activities” and “Art Therapeutic highlighted the importance of ludic sciences teaching to deaf students. focused activities” on the school and art on education. 9THINTERNATIONAL BRANDING WEEK IN LONDON The Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco MBA Branding course promoted, in partnership with Brunel University, in London, the 9th International Branding Week. Students accompanied by the ‘Our students also presented articles about the barriers on design and course coordinator and week branding area in Brazil, market opportunities, some of recurrent problems responsible, Antônio Roberto de and cases developed by them’, explained Antônio Roberto. Oliveira, have been in London to debate and know some of the world’s best practices of Design and Branding. Nevertheless, the group has visited the Design School and the company Designit in Copenhagen, Denmark. The company communication director, Sune Aagaard, presented the company office, some of the case studies, the methodologies used on innovation areas, service design and branding. The Week schedule, in London, included lectures with Brunel University Professors, presentations of articles from master level students, visit to Design Museum and important agencies – such as Saffron Consultants, Moving Brands, Prophet and Endpoint. Facade of Designit building in Copenhagen 2013 Annual Report 73
Anual Report 2013
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